Thursday, June 7, 2012

Paper Flowers

In preparation for my graduating with an English lit degree, I made some flowers to wear made out of books. Normally I would have serious issues hacking into a book, but thanks to my fun estate sale finds I have many yellowing paged books that would sell for no more than dollar, so why not? I also have a new copy of Moby Dick, which I have no problem destroying, as it was a truly painful read. Anyway, I found some patterns for paper flowers on Martha Stewart’s website, turned on Romy and Michelle’s Highschool reunion and began. The process took me way longer than I thought…about 4 hours for 4 flowers and 1 corsage. Worth it? Probably not, but I always have fun when I get to play with my glue gun so, oh well. If anyone is interested in making these, my advice is to work without the patterns and follow the instructions here.