Saturday, May 12, 2012

Castle Rock Trip

A ridiculous amount of time passed before I finally buckled down and bought a plane ticket to Denver to see my new little nephew, Nolan. I snuck away on one of Jason’s three day weekends and spend the whole time gabbing with my little sis and feeding her two older children candy. I didn’t get in till really late, so I didn’t see the kids till morning when Brooke put a very smiley baby right next to my face….such a great way to start the day! The weekend was great and even though I missed my babies, it was wonderful to be a full time auntie for a while. 

Red Rocks Amphitheater

This was such a cool place! On non-concert days people come to work out. crazy people. the pic does not show how steep this really is! good for them. Brooke and I on the other hand, really enjoyed watching. ;)
 so cute! And only slightly staged. 
crazy faces
 Completely candid. Such a great mommy! 
Mermaids at the Denver aquarium. This really was cool, and Layla was extremely disappointed that she missed out. 

On Saturday Brooke drove me around Colorado Springs...Boeing has a facility there and I am praying Jay can get a job there! This neighborhood was beautiful, more natural landscaping = less mowing. :)
 Saturday night we got a little surprise...SNOW!  
Luckily, it didn't interfere with my flight the next day, and I finally had a good reason to wear my Uggs. 

At the it sad that I see The Hunger Games everywhere? 


  1. Ok it did take me a minute to get it, but are you talking about the 12 on that guy's jacket?

  2. Guess I should have explained that one a little bit better. Yep, the 12 on the arm made me think of The Hunger Games. A bunch of kids from the Air Force Academy sat down next to me...all with different numbers on their arms. I had a fun moment pretending I was surrounded by the tributes. ;)
